国双致辞清华附中毕业礼 心系人才培育与发展 国双致辞清华附中毕业礼 心系人才培育与发展



国双致辞清华附中毕业礼 心系人才培育与发展





祁国晟先生  Mr. Guosheng Qi






清华附中国际部 2018高中毕业典礼

THIS 2018 Graduation Ceremony



但是我的思路非常清晰-我想自己创业。于是我拒绝了微软的工作机会,很多人都觉得我这个决定太愚蠢。那么我为何决定如此呢 ? 一方面是:如果你要创业,你肯定需要一个团队,当时团队里有我的几个大学同学。若是我接受微软的工作,那么我的团队也没法等到我创业的时候,他们肯定要么到其它公司工作,要么去读研究生。所以拒绝微软这个决定,对我来说并不算难。


清华附中国际部 2018高中毕业生

THIS Class Of 2018

你也许想知道:我为创业都做了什么、选择了哪个方向。首先大家可以了解一下我们公司的名字,Gridsum它是由grid 和 sum 两个词组合在一起的。大家可能也知道,grid就是网络计算,就是让一组连接的电脑一起完成某项任务。Sum 就是简单地把数加在一起。为什么我要把这两个词组合在一起呢?因为我相信这是计算机的未来。幸运的是,我的观点没错。如今,大家都知道“大数据”这个词,那么什么是“大数据”呢?从技术层面来讲,大数据就是一个框架,它可以解决摩尔定律的局限问题。(摩尔定律:当价格不变时,集成电路上可容纳的元器件的数目,约每隔18-24个月便会增加一倍,性能也将提升一倍。换言之,每一美元所能买到的电脑性能,将每隔18-24个月翻一倍以上。这一定律揭示了信息技术进步的速度。) 但是如果你每天都做数据处理,那么数据容量的增速就会快于摩尔定律。也就意味着你不能仅仅靠购买最新的电脑硬件来解决不断增加的数据处理任务。解决这个问题的唯一办法就是尽量让多台电脑同时工作,用以提高计算能力。听起来具有可操作性,但是实践起来会很难。


清华附中国际部 2018高中毕业生

众所周知,中国有句古话讲得好:“一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃”英语中用“Everybody's business is nobody's business.”来表达这个意思。这种现象在计算机行业很常见。国双的理念很容易理解。因为sum就是把数加在一起。如果要把很多数相加,通常会将数据分成不同的组,然后再把它们整合在一起。但无论你怎么分组,结果都不会改变。这就是Gridsum 背后的含义。大约在2012年“大数据”成了热搜词,而我早在十年前就产生了这个想法,这也支撑我们很多年,并逐渐走向成功。我对自己最初的想法深感自豪。但更重要的是我们坚持了十年。如今很多人缺乏毅力,受外界影响,时常怀疑自己,频繁改变方向。








THIS 2018 Graduation Ceremony Keynote Speech

It's my honor to be here and present infront of you. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Qi Guosheng. I'm anentrepreneur. I started my company-Gridsum when I was still a college student,which means a little bit more senior than you are now. I spent my 34th birthday2 months ago and my company is 13 years old now. I studied computer software inTsinghua University from 2002 to 2006. Our company was very lucky to be listedon NASDAQ in 2016, September the 23rd as the first Big Data and Artificial IntelligenceCompany from China. Personally I'm also the youngest CEO from a Chinese companylisted in the US.

I decided to become an entrepreneur and start my own business when I was evenyounger than you are. I still remember the day when I had my 18 year-oldbirthday, I received a book as a birthday gift, the book is The Story of BillGates. It was from one of my best friend in high school. On the first page ofthe book, he wrote, “Bill Gates is just one step ahead of you.” So you can tellthat even my high school classmate knew I would like to start my own softwarebusiness. That was a great encouragement at that moment. Today, I'm still veryfar from what Bill Gates once achieved. I'm not sure if in my next 20 years,there is any chance for me to get closer. But it doesn't matter. I know I lovesoftware industry, I know I am good at writing code, I know I am buildingsoftware as my job. Somebody says “that if you like what you are good at andthat happens to be your job, then you are a very lucky man. This becomes yourcareer.” I totally agree with this and really appreciate my lucky currentsituation.


My dream never changed. I think information technology will change the world. And when I realized that in China we didn't really have a strong, competitive software company, I decided to build one. It is not easy to pursue your dream and make the dream come true. There is always difficulty or temptation on your way to your final goal. Persistence is very important.

My father wanted me to study mechanism engineering, so I could someday go back to take over his business. So he insists on sending me to study engineering. After I entered Tsinghua University, the first thing I did was to transfer to the computer software department. You can imagine how hard it was, but I was determined to do so and I made that happen. 

In my 3rd year in the college, I earned a chance to be an intern in Microsoft Research Asia for doing nature language computing, which is AI. The opportunity was so hard to get even for a Tsinghua student. I went and worked there for 3 months. I could easily stay there afterwards and got an amazingly good job offer from Microsoft at that moment. But I made up my mind to create my own business. So I refused the job offer from Microsoft, which, from many people's perspective, was a stupid decision. You may ask me why I made that decision. One thing is very clear that to start your own business, you do need a team. There were several classmates in my team then. If I had decided to take the offer and work for Microsoft, these team members would not have waited for me to start a business later and would have definitely worked for other companies or studied for a Master degree. For me, the decision was not a hard one.


You might want to know what I did and which direction I chose for my startup. Let's first get to know our company's name. Our company is named as Gridsum. It is a combination of two words, grid and sum. Grid, as you may know, is grid computing, which make many connected computers work together for some task. Sum is as simple as adding numbers together. Why did I put these two words together? Because I believe this is the future of computing. I am very lucky to be right.

Today, everybody knows the term Big data. What is Big Data? Techniquely, Big Data is a framework. A frame work to solve the limitation of the Moore's law, which says that every 18 months, computing power will double. 

But if you are facing a data processing task that every day, the increasing volume of data speed is faster than the Moore's law. That means you cannot just buy the latest computer hardware to catch up with your continuously increasing data processing task. The only way you can solve this problem is to try to let several computers work together to increase the computing power. It sounds practical but very difficult to implement.


Everybody knows a Chinese proverb, in English, we say: Everybody's business is nobody's business. That often happens exactly in the computing world. Gridsum's concept is pretty easy to understand. Because sum means adding numbers together. If you have many numbers to add, you can always divide them into different groups and later put them together. No matter how you divide, the result won't change. That's the idea behind "Gridsum". Big Data became a buzz word around 2012. My idea occurred almost 10 years before that. It supported us to become successful over the past years. And I'm proud of my original idea. But most importantly, we have insisted on doing so for almost 10 years. Today many people do not have persistence. They constantly doubt themselves and move in different directions by the influence of the outside world. 

Today, information technology develops at an unprecedented speed. When I was your age, I had a mobile phone and I was the only one in my class who had one, though the phone could not browse the internet and no apps could be installed on it. Today, we have all kinds of so-called smart devices and we receive information from them  every minute. We can search for what we want immediately when we have a phone in hand. Somehow we don't really think with our own brain. It's so easy to look for information on the Internet. A lot of people lost their capability to think, reason and hypothesize. You should know that these capabilities are the fundamental for following scientific methods. Only by practicing them frequently can we become smarter and better people. You may think a person like me is already successful. I believed the same when I was your age. 


But today, I am always thinking about what is true success. Is it to make money, become famous, have a lot of power? I've always told our employees that to build a company needs three elements. The first is to make some money so you can live. The second is to build something to influence and change the industry. The third is to become a company which can make significant contribution to the world. I think the purpose and meaning of a company is not that hard to define and explain.

But today, my presentation is about the purpose and meaning of life. I can tell you that every time when I feel I am one more step closer to success and face stronger challenges and difficulties, I never stop. The more I experience, the more I realize that pursuing happiness is even more important than success, money and power. You must try to figure out when, where and how you can find and experience happiness. Different people have different understandings and feelings about happiness. 

I don't think there is any universal standard for happiness. But from my previous experience, I strongly believe that to be disciplined and well educated, to try your best to pursue your dream and expand your potential, and to become a better version of you, are the meaning and purpose of our life. I hope you can be successful and happy in the future and make contribution to the world.

